Agenda and minutes

Joint Resilience Committee - Tuesday, 15th March, 2016 2.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, City and County of Swansea

Contact: Gina Cirillo  Committee/Member Services Officer

No. Item


Chairperson's Announcement


Cllr.A.Woolcock (Chairperson) thanked  Members for their attendance today given the postponement of the meeting which was scheduled for 12 February 2016 due to a fatal accident at the M4 Motorway.  The Chairperson conveyed his sympathy on behalf of the Committee, to all those involved.


Minutes of the Joint Resilience Committee held on 30 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Minutes of the Joint Resilience Committee held on 30 October 2015 were received and noted as a true and accurate record.


Access to Meetings



that pursuant to Section 100 (A) (4) & (5) of the Local Government Act 1972,the public be excluded from the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.



Counter Terrorism Update


Members received an overall Quarter 3 Report update on the work of the Joint Resilience Unit (JRU) as detailed below.

Members noted that approval was sought to implement 3 projects “Stay Safe, - Run,Hide,Tell”, Project Argus and Project Griffin as detailed within the private circulated report.

Stay Safe – Run Hide Tell

Officers explained to Members that this project relates to actions that could be taken by individuals or groups in the event of a weapons attack by one or more people on a building (Marauding Terrorist Firearms Attack – MTFA) and mirrors the presentation received by Members of the JRC in January 2016.  The aim is to provide individuals with information so that in the event of an attack they would be able to “stay safe”. 

Members raised their concerns about major incidents and mentioned that this information be extended to Community Councils. Officers confirmed that they would be engaging with  Community Councils and Businesses in the process of updating the location of rest centres across the County Borough.  It was also confirmed with Members that Sports Centres would also be utilised where appropriate.  Following discussions, members requested that an additional recommendation be added to include the engagement and involvement of Members regarding the project.



·       that the engagement of NPT staff and the provision of information to keep themselves, and others safe in the event of a Marauding Terrorist Firearms Attack (MTFA), be approved.


·       that engagement with staff and contractors who have responsibilities within public buildings, owned, managed or supported by NPT e.g. theatres, leisure facilities and libraries, be approved.


·       that engagement with staff and contractors who have responsibilities in managing or protecting large open spaces with large footfall frequented by the public e.g. Margam Park (Events), Aberavon Beach, be approved.


·       that as an Authority,Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council engage and support its own business community prioritising those who own and/or manage premises with large footfall e.g. Aberavon Shopping centre.


·       that engagement ofJRU Members, be approved.

Project Argus


     Members were informed that Project Argus is a suite of workshop-based events designed to inform and advise senior management in preparing a response to a serious event, such as a terrorist attack in crowded places, e.g. Shopping Centres, Major Events, Health Sector, Night Time Economy, and Hotels, as detailed in the private circulated report.


   Members questioned whether the Trade Unions could support training in any way.  In response to this Officers confirmed that engagement is ongoing with Trade Unions on the matter and that links had already been made with major stores such as Tesco and Asda.


Following discussions, Members requested that an additional recommendation be added to include City and County of Swansea managers and the engagement of Members  in the project.



·       that the engagement of NPT and CCOS  managers and Members be approved.


·       that the delivery of  workshops in relation to the Council’s larger buildings e.g. Civic Centres and The Quays, be approved.


·       that the engagement of frontline staff who have duties at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)


Members noted, that in November 2015, the JRU completed the 3 yearly test and exercise with Flogas, Llandarcy. The exercise successfully tested and validated the Flogas external (off-site) emergency plan as part of statutory duties under the Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations 2015. As a result of changes to the Regulations, the JRU has worked closely with the local community around Flogas to ensure they are aware of the risks of living and / or working near an upper tier COMAH site, discuss any concerns they may have and ensure they have the latest copies of the Flogas Major Emergency Safety Instructions.


The JRU Manager confirmed that a report had been carried out on this exercise and that this would be forwarded to Members via e-mail for their information.


Other Industrial Matters


Members were informed that the JRU is continuing to engage with partners in terms of risk at other regulated locations.  A site north of Swansea has recently had its hazardous range extended and as a result, its borders now envelop some significant infrastructure including part of the M4 motorway.  Members also noted that the JRU continues to engage with colleagues from neighbouring authorities to plan for actions required should the reservoir system at the Brecon Beacons be compromised, as detailed within the circulated report.


Swansea City Centre Plan


Members noted that a task & finish group of all necessary partners is currently being formed to consider the plan and it was confirmed it as an operational document. The current road network of the city centre is changing, therefore, to place the plan in a ‘final’ document would be premature, and it will remain as a ‘live’ document whilst works are ongoing in this area.


Counterterrorism exercises and inputs from the JRU and WECTU working in partnership also continue to take place. These deliver nationally prepared inputs in terms of threats, and actions to be taken in the event of an incident.




Building Security and Business Continuity


Members noted that the JRU has been supporting the CCoS Facilities Team to plan for partial or full movement of resources from the Civic Centre. With the closure of Penllergaer Civic Centre and the displacement of staff to other venues, this work is key to ensuring that with a reduced estate, impact on sites can be minimised.  It was also noted that the JRU had been working successfully in partnership with South Wales Police regarding a demonstration and IT issues illustrating positive engagement with partners.


Major Accident and Hazard Pipelines


Officers updated members of a review  which had been undertaken of the plans for the National Transmission System High Pressure natural gas pipelines as detailed in the private circulated report. The plans cover the main transmission pipelines across both Council areas as well as the UK T28 from Milford Haven to Gloucester.  A similar review had been taken for the pipeline feeding the GE Power Station at Baglan Energy Park.


Business Continuity


Officers informed Members that the revised BC  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Date of Next Meeting


To be confirmed.