Agenda and minutes

Joint Resilience Committee - Friday, 30th October, 2015 10.00 am, PROVISIONAL

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Port Talbot Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Gina Cirillo  Committee/Member Services Officer

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman (2015/2016) (Neath Port Talbot CBC)



that Councillor A.N.Woolcock (Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council) be appointed Chairperson for municipal year 2015/16.




Appointment of Vice-Chairman (2015/2016) (City and County of Swansea)



that Councillor D.W.Cole (City and County of Swansea) be appointed Vice Chairperson for  municipal year 2015/16.




Minutes of the Joint Resilience Committee held on the 1 May 2015 pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The minutes of the Joint Resilience Committee held on the 1st May, 2015 were received and noted as a true and accurate record.


Neath Port Talbot & City and County of Swansea Risk Assessments (Presentation) pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Mr.S.Burgess gave Members a demonstration on the Neath Port Talbot and City and County of Swansea Risk Register. 


Members noted that there are 84 risks contained in the register.  Mitigating measures had been put in place for all the risks contained in the register including Major Incident Plans that were in place in both authorities.  It was confirmed that the register is accessible via the DRAGON system which Members are able to view.


Members identified the need to include the new Port Talbot Periphery Distributor Road (PDR) and an update had been received from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in regard to flooding which also needed to be included in the final version of the risk register.



That the Neath Port Talbot and City and County of Swansea Risk Register be approved subject to the two amendments  being included in the final version of the risk register.











Public Facing Register (Presentation)


Members received a presentation on the Public Facing Risk Register which is made available to the general public on the website. 




that the Public Facing Risk Register be approved.



Access to Meetings


At this point in the meeting the Chair agreed to move into Private Session.



the pursuant to Section 100A (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following item of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.



COMAH SLA/Recharges (Presentation)


Members discussed the legislation that allows local authorities to re-charge COMAH operators that are involved in the Control of Major Accidents Hazards (COMAH) exercises.  The current level of suggested charges contained in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) was out for consultation with operators involved.



that the Service Level Agreement after consultation be approved for signing.





Report Cards and Objectives - Update


Committee resolved into Open Session


Members received an update on report cards which identify performance on key priority areas that were contained in the section business plan which was monitored by the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee.  Report Cards will also be an agenda item for the Joint Resilience Committee and would be circulated with the agenda prior to the meeting.


The duplication in plans is currently being reviewed between the two authorities to ascertain whether joint plans could be developed in future.  COMAH template is being re-designed to try to make it more manageable.  Silver training has been delivered in Swansea which was very successful and will be undertaken in Neath Port Talbot shortly.



that the verbal update be noted.






Joint Resilience Unit - Update pdf icon PDF 285 KB


Members received the report of the Health, Safety & Joint Resilience Manager re: Joint Resilience Unit – Update which gave an overview of the key resilience challenges facing both Councils, to explain how these challenges are currently being addressed and to provide an insight into the wider resilience framework which exists at a local, regional and national level. 


Members confirmed that the City Safe Plans and Activities should remain being known as ‘City Evac’. 


It was highlighted that Exercise SPIDER is taking place on the 13th November 2015 in the Towers Hotel, Jersey Marine which was a multi-agency exercise with Flogas, Llandarcy under the COMAH Regulations 2015.



that the report be noted and for the City Safe Plans and Activities to continue being known as “City Evac”.



Future Meetings


Members received a verbal update from the Health, Safety and Joint Resilience Manager  in relation to an invitation to the Joint Resilience Committee to visit the Port Health Authority.  Also, for Western Power to be invited to attend a future meeting to undertake a presentation on the measures that  were in place to deal with a total power loss.


Members asked if consideration could be given to holding future meetings at other venues.



that the verbal update be noted and arrangements made for future meetings.