Issue - meetings

Strategic Risk Register

Meeting: 22/11/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 8)

8 Corporate Risk Management Arrangements pdf icon PDF 523 KB

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That the report be noted.



Officers provided an overview to the circulated report.


Officers explained there had been significant improvements made to the Strategic Risk Register which has made it more presentable. A risk appetite statement has been added to this also, which is a work in progress.

Officers explained they have improved on the inherent risk score and residual risk score. Whether it was high, medium or low risk, (red, amber or green)


Members asked in relation to SR21 – Hotel Accommodation, there is reference to the possibility of there being a legal challenge, members asked who the legal challenge is from.

Officers explained that, looking from a planning perspective is how the planning obligations is balanced in respect of hotel accommodation, against the overwhelming need at present to provide the temporary accommodation, because of the additional responsibilities placed on Local Authorities from Welsh Government. If there was a challenge where temporary accommodation was being used and the appropriate planning elements haven’t been complied with, where permitted development rights are used, there would be some opportunities to clarify and address that. 


In relation to ‘has there been any change in risk rating since last report’, Members asked why the box has been ticked.

Officers explained in relation to appendix 3, it indicates graphically whether the residual risk has reduced or stayed the same, the box indicates whether it has changed since the last report. Officers accept they can’t see if it has increased or decreased, therefore Officers stated they can strengthen as a visual for the Committee in the future.


In relation to target risk, Members asked when they will be populated. Officers explained when the residual and the inherent risk scores are looked at, is the risk score low enough or should it be lower again. Officers would be challenged to see what else could be done to minimise the risk.


Officers mentioned this report will be brought back in six months’ time.