12 Internal Audit Update Report 2024/25 PDF 608 KB
Additional documents:
the report be noted.
provided an overview to the circulated report.
Members asked for a fuller
response in the future with regards to the letters.
Officers thanked members for
feedback and assured members that there will be more information and detail
within the template to provide context to the committee, which will include -
original audit report date, assurance rating, number of recommendations raised
and the post audit review dates.
Officers mentioned there has
been sick leave in the team and will ensure that they have an update on audit
resourcing within the committee pack. The team has delivered a strong level of
plan delivery to date.
Members asked in relation to
mandatory training engineering services, it has raised from 33% to 73.4%, but
still a lot of staff haven’t had mandatory training. Officers explained the
audit plan had a spot check approach per directorate, to look at this area to
assess the completion rate for specific teams, they are being reviewed and
managed by relevant senior management teams for progression and to achieve the
completion rate.