5 Service Plans from Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning Directorate PDF 324 KB
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Following scrutiny, the report was noted.
The Head of
Education Development provided a brief overview of the reports contained within
the agenda pack, the five Service Improvement plans sit below the Directorate
Improvement Plan and link into the Corporate Improvement Plan.
Members referred to the mention of coffee mornings for electively
home-schooled children and enquired about the level of engagement. Members
commented that the numbers of electively home-schooled children was increasing
and there was concern regarding the lack of monitoring and overview.
The Head of Education Development confirmed that on average, 30 to 40
families attend each session. The sessions are jointly run in partnership with
health, police and Careers Wales. The college have attended sessions and
provided a variety of roadshows such as knife crime, scooter safety, internet
safety and learning through play which some families may not receive outside of
the school system.
Members questioned what percentage of the electively home-schooled families
attended the coffee morning sessions. It was noted that there was no register,
and this is an issue.
The Head of Education Development advised members that the percentage of
families attending from the whole home-schooled family population was unknown.
Welsh Government guidance is followed and it is hoped that more families will
attend in future.
Members asked for clarification on the risk assessments contained within the
report, and how they are used for monitoring.
The Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning confirmed
that there are Service Improvement Plans for all accountable managers within
the Directorate and the risks are assessed within teams. The Service
Improvement Plans are aggregated into the Coordinator Service Improvement
Plans, which in turn are aggregated to the Directorate Risk Register.
The member requested to meet with officers outside of the meeting for
further clarification.
Following scrutiny, the report was noted.