Following scrutiny, members noted the report and the
suggestions and views put forward by the committee.
The Director of
Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning advised
members that Directors, Heads of Service and accountable managers were working
to achieve the required savings proposals across the local authority. The
guiding principles were, where possible, to increase income, cover core costs
against grants, protect public services and jobs. The consultation period has
not yet commenced, and the proposals presented to members were part of a
pre-consultation engagement exercise for members comments and ideas. Proposals
have been based on currently known information and the assumption that grants
and funding levels will continue. Some detail is still unavailable, however, if
the proposals do form part of the official consultation proposals, more detail
will be available.
Officers provided
an overview of the budget proposals reference ELL-A – ELL-G as contained within
the agenda pack. The savings for Margam Country Park are part of a three-year
plan and a report will be presented to members in January, containing the new business
plan and parking review. New events have been introduced at the park. In
relation to staffing, there has been some staff progression, and one staff
member has expressed an interest in retirement. There is a slight delay to the
cinema project at Pontardawe Arts Centre, but it was hoped that this will be
open for trading in March 2025. Savings have been realised from the closure of
Pontardawe Swimming Pool. A new catering facility has been introduced at the
Aqua Splash in Aberavon, which is operated by Celtic Leisure. Some schools are
reviewing the service level agreement they have for the Education Learning
Resource Service (ELRS). The savings in the ELRS area relate to the change of
the use of technologies.
Members raised concern
regarding potential staff redundancies and unfilled vacancies. Members
commented that Margam Country Park was currently not making savings and
questioned how savings will be achieved in the next financial year. Members
commented that indoor leisure trading improvements were based on staff morale
and considering Celtic Leisure was not being brought back in house next year,
whether staff morale would enable these savings to be delivered.
The Director of
Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning acknowledged that any prediction of
increased income could be affected by factors such as poor weather. The target
across the suite of services was broadly achievable, with the ability to over
achieve in some areas, such as the new cinema and catering facility at
Pontardawe Arts Centre. In relation to Margam Country Park, predicted income is
not static during the year and is dependent on weather and organised events.
The Director was not aware of any predicted budget pressures in Margam Park.
The Director acknowledged that there are risks for the ELRS; schools are
looking to save money on non-statutory areas, due to budget pressures.
Members referred
to budget proposal reference ELLL-D and requested a further breakdown.
The Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning confirmed that part of the management fee provided to Celtic Leisure was to run Pontardawe Swimming Pool and due ... view the full minutes text for item 4