Issue - meetings

Events and Festivals Review

Meeting: 25/07/2024 - Education, Skills and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

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Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendation outlined in the draft Cabinet report.


The Cabinet Member for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing provided a brief overview of the report contained within the agenda pack.


Members welcomed the report. The current arrangements can be discouraging to organisations in arranging community events. Members questioned whether the new arrangement would be a one stop shop for arranging licences. Members noted the charging range from £25 to £100, could be prohibitive for smaller scale events.


The Cabinet Member for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing confirmed the proposed team would co-ordinate event paperwork and internal council permissions. They will not manage application for statutory instruments such as premises licensing, however, they will be able to signpost to relevant departments. The suggested charges are modest for smaller events, costs are necessary to cover the costs of the service. It was noted that 80% of applications will be from small event organisers which will impact on officer time. Whilst the local authority was keen to encourage community events, there is a need to recover some costs. The charges will represent good value for money for organisers due to the level of support that will be provided. Fees for larger events are flexible to enable commercial fees to be set, where applicable.


Members enquired if there would be a sliding scale of charges for smaller events.


The Cabinet Member agreed that would be taken on board.


Officers advised members the starting fee for £25 related to events without any commercial angle. Events became commercial, when a third of traders or stalls in the event were commercial traders. It was noted that most community events are likely to fall within the lower end of the charging structure. The fee was a commitment to take the process seriously, analysis has shown staff time is wasted when event organisers abandon the process. The emphasis is on supporting event organisers especially in the community sector to build capabilities, resilience and experience.


Members noted that many Councillors set up community events to promote community cohesion. Members questioned whether the charges table in the draft document could be clearer. This would allow smaller organisations to fundraise throughout the year to cover costs. It would be useful for the criteria for the event to be classed as a commercial event to be included in the table.


The Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning confirmed that the table containing fees and charges would be as clear as possible.


The Cabinet Member for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing confirmed that the intention was to remove barriers as far as possible.


Members questioned whether street closures on non-council land would come under the team’s remit.


Officers confirmed that the team would liaise with Highways alongside the event organisers, to reach solutions. Officers confirmed that they would look at alternatives to street closures. If statutory permissions are required, staff would assist organisers to contact Highways to navigate the process.


Members referred to page 105 of the report and the Remembrance Day parades that were supported in Neath and Port Talbot. Members questioned whether there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5