Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring Outturn 2023-2024

Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Community, Finance and Strategic Leadership Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Revenue Budget Monitoring Outturn 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 214 KB

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Following scrutiny, the report was noted.


Members considered the report as circulated within the agenda pack.


Members queried the fostering underspend of £253k as set out on page 279 of the agenda pack. It was confirmed by officers, that when the budget it set, the figure is set in accordance with expected foster placements for the year. The figure set out in the report refers to inhouse foster placements. The number of placements during the year has decreased, therefore the figure related to this item has also decreased. The cost relates to the number of placements, not the number of carers.


Members queried the underspend on free school meals of £238k. Officers confirmed that when the budget was set, the grant funding which has been received towards this cost was not included. The grant funding was not known at the time of setting the budget, therefore could not be included until it was confirmed.


Members queried the temporary management and administrative budget overspend in relation to Margam Country Park. Members understood that there was going to be consideration to try and increase income in relation to the park. Members queried what work had been done on this. In relation to Celtic Leisure, members queried what had caused the administrative overspend? Officers confirmed that they did not have the information in relation to this item and confirmed that they would obtain the information and circulate as required.


Members referred to the overspend in relation to the unachieved vacancy management savings in the Social Services budget. Member were concerned that this is used as a mechanism in the budget, however it appears that it is not being achieved. Officers confirmed that each directorate has been given a 5% vacancy management target. This has been achieved across the Council, albeit this may not be reflected in individual directorates.


Members referred to the overspend of £209,000 in the Social Services budget, in relation to the system that was implemented which was going to be funded from reserves. Officers confirmed that the authority did hold sufficient reserves to pay for the new system and that the overspend indicted is a presentation issue within the report.


Members referred to the council tax collection rate and it was acknowledged that the council has collected more than it budgeted for. Members were concerned that this was not accurately forecast and queried if any action would be taken to ensure that the council tax income forecast was accurate moving forward. Officers advised that this would be considered when the rate is set in November, however there were a couple of items to note in relation to this. Firstly, that there is current uncertainty in employment for the forthcoming year, within the borough and also the forthcoming year will see the premiums on second and long-term empty homes introduced. These may have an impact on the collection rate.


Following scrutiny, the report was noted.