Issue - meetings

South West Wales Regional Transport Plan - Programme Update

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 4)

4 South West Wales Regional Transport Plan - Programme Update pdf icon PDF 248 KB

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Members noted the report.


Officers provided an overview of the report as contained within the agenda pack.


Members referred to page 14 of the report which stated concerns are held by the working group in relation to finance and the final completion timeline. Members referenced the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport, contained within the agenda pack, and expressed concern that money may be taken from local transport grants to fund the regional transport policies; this would impact on local authority work programmes. Members questioned whether further representation has been made to Welsh Government on this matter.


Officers confirmed that concerns have been raised with Welsh Government in relation to funding levels. The Cabinet Secretary has highlighted that the allocated funding is to be used towards the regional transport plan as well as the development of the strategic development plan. The Chair of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee (SWWCJC) has responded to Welsh Government explaining the constraints faced by the limited budget. The level of approved funding will cover the cost of the consultation work but not the development of the strategic plan. It was noted that this position is mirrored in other Corporate Joint Committee’s (CJC’s) across Wales.


Members suggested that the Chair of the SWWCJC is advised that members share these concerns. The Scrutiny Committee Chair asked officers to confirm support of the committee to the Chair of the SWWCJC.


Members noted the report.