Pre-decision Scrutiny
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
Equality Plan Annual Report 2022-2023
Following scrutiny, the recommendation was
supported to
Equality Plan Annual Report 2022-2023
Officers advised members of the following typing
errors contained in the report: paragraph 20 should read 2022-2023 and not
2021-2022 as stated, paragraph 21, should reference Cabinet and not Cabinet
Policy & Resources Sub-committee, as stated.
Members referred to Action on page 55
of the report contained within the agenda pack and requested a progress update
on physical access to committee facilities improvements at Neath Civic Centre.
Officers did not have the requested information
to hand; information will be circulated to members outside of the meeting.
Members questioned whether the offer of a
guaranteed interview to any person affected by the TATA Steel Plant closure
compromised equality.
The Director of Environment and Regeneration
advised members that the guaranteed interview offer was for TATA employees or
those who worked in the supply chain who met all of the essential criteria
linked to a vacancy.
Members questioned whether the Citizens Panel
was diverse and representative of all protected characteristics in the
Officers confirmed that following recent
consultations, work is planned to ensure the Citizens Panel is representative
of all communities in the county borough. Where gaps are identified,
recruitment to the panel will be targeted accordingly. Officers will circulate the current
representation of the panel to members, with further information provided once
Members enquired whether data was held in
relation to the number of staff members learning Welsh and whether this figure
was increasing or decreasing, compared to previous years.
Officers will circulate this information to
members outside of the meeting.
Members referenced page 13 paragraph 17 of the
report, and were pleased that Violence Against Women,
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Impacts was included in the report.
Following scrutiny, the recommendation was
supported to Cabinet.