Issue - meetings

Strategic Workforce Management - NPTCBC Organisational Response - Audit Wales

Meeting: 21/03/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 4)

4 Audit Wales - Strategic Workforce Management - NPTCBC Organisational Response pdf icon PDF 480 KB

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That the report be noted for information.


Members received the Council’s response to the Audit Wales – Springing Forward: Strategic Workforce Management – Neath Port Talbot Council as detailed in the circulated report.


Wales Audit Office representatives attended the meeting and explained that the report was a very positive report and the Council had a clear vision for its Workforce.


Discussion took place on the recommendations contained within the circulated report that needed further focus on to continue to build on the good practice already in place.


·        Progression and pathways for Staff;

·        Resilience around business critical roles and identification;

·        Succession planning;

·        Better understanding of the impact of the Workforce Strategy;

·        Consider and build on the benchmarking of measures and metrics and identify key areas of good practice and potential areas for improvement.


Following on, Members queried what work was taking place to increase the number of succession plans, the quality of those plans and how managers where going to be encouraged to use the improved toolkit.


Officers explained that a number of workshops had taken place with all managers, informing managers of the importance of succession planning and the use of the toolkit. These workshops had now formed part of the core training for new managers and will take place annually with all managers.


In addition, a Talent Management Team had been created which had started to look at the future skills sets required and by working with colleges and universities how these needs could be planned for.  The team are also looking at the current workforce and developing career pathways within the Council.


Members were very pleased and reassured by what they had received today and thanked all the team for all the work they had undertaken to progress this and looked forward to hearing more on the progress in future.


Members noted that the continued monitoring of this would be an important part of the Governance and Audit Committees role.



RESOLVED:                That the report be noted.