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Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Education, Skills and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Impact of Energy Prices on School Budgets pdf icon PDF 646 KB


Following scrutiny, members noted the report.


Members referred to page 15 of the report, and questioned the timescale regarding the potential capability for solar PV panels to be installed at 14 schools. Members also queried potential costs involved, how many additional posts were required and how the installation and additional posts would be funded.


The Head of Support Services and Transformation confirmed that at present, a desktop survey has been carried out, with potential schools being identified due to their location and style of roof. The work is being undertaken by the Environment Directorate and an update will be requested and progress will be reported back to this committee.


A Co-opted member noted the mitigating actions mentioned in the report but questioned if meters and daily standing charges could be looked at further. Schools with split sites will have multiple meter boxes with multiple standing charges.


The Head of Support Services and Transformation will seek clarity on this issue from colleagues in the Environment Directorate and report back findings to this committee.


Following scrutiny, members noted the report.