Issue - meetings

*Insert Private Item (Exempt under Paragraph ..)*

Meeting: 14/11/2023 - Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board (Item 18)

Proposed New Cinema Extension and Internal Improvement Works at Pontardawe Arts Centre - Party Wall Notices (Exempt under Paragraph 14)

Additional documents:




Having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment:

·       That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Property and Regeneration authority to serve any requisite notices under Party Wall Act 1996, to ensure that the Council complies with its duty under this legislation in respect of the proposed new cinema extension and internal improvement works at Pontardawe Arts Centre.

·       That the Head of Property and Regeneration be authorised to amend the scheme of delegations to include the service of notices under the Party Wall Act 1996; and that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to update the Constitution of Neath Port Talbot County Council to record this.


Reason for Proposed Decision:


To enable the Council to proceed with the scheme of works, subject to the tenders being within budget at Pontardawe Arts Centre, and to ensure appropriate authority was in place for any future notices that may be required.


Implementation of Decision:


This decision was for immediate implementation, and therefore not subject to the three day call in period.