Issue - meetings

Hillside Restructure

Meeting: 16/11/2023 - Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Cabinet Board (Item 15)

Hillside Redesign Report

Additional documents:




1.     That having had due regard to the integrated impact screening assessments, authority be granted to the Director of Social Services, Health, and Housing to proceed with the service redesign of Hillside, as set out in appendix 1 to the circulated report (Hillside Service Redesign Report).


2.     That authority be granted to the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing to make the necessary workforce changes, with an information report to Personnel Committee detailing the changes.


Reasons for Proposed Decision


Hillside needs to respond to the changing needs and outcomes for the complex children placed within Hillside, the proposed redesign will ensure that the provision in Hillside adapts in the right way to support the most vulnerable children in our society.


Implementation of Decision:


This decision shall be implemented after the three day call in period, which ended 9am, Monday, 20th November 2023.