Contractual Arrangements for the Prevention and Wellbeing Service
Additional documents:
That having had due regard to
the integrated impact assessment, it is recommended that Members:
· Agree to suspend Rule 11 of the Council’s Contract
Procedural Rules
· Provide permission for the Head of Housing and
Communities to enter into a new contract with The
Wallich for the provision of a Prevention and Wellbeing Service for a period of
12 months, with an option to extend for a further 6 months. This period being
subject to the Council being able to terminate the service early by providing
three months’ notice to The Wallich.
Reasons for Proposed
So that there is a legally
binding contract enabling the continuation of these essential services whilst
Officers conclude a review of homelessness services and implement a new service
model that enables delivery against the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.
Implementation of
The decision is proposed for
implementation after the three day call in period,
which ended 9am, Monday 20th November, 2023.