Issue - meetings

South West Wales Economic Delivery Plan

Meeting: 23/02/2023 - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 6)

6 South West Wales Economic Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 364 KB

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Members were updated on the progress being made to deliver the South West Wales Regional Economic Delivery Plan and provided an overview of those wider initiatives taking place within the region.


Members discussed the hydrogen and electrical vehicle feasibility study detailed within the Earth programme and queried why the hydrogen feasibility study had been commissioned. Officers provided an overview of the reasoning’s as to why hydrogen vehicles would be required. It was noted that a report would be brought back to committee at a future date detailing further information in relation to this programme.


Members queried the process on receiving the funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Officers explained that the funding had been secured locally and regionally and there was no match funding.


Further discussions took place around alternative funding required to support the Corporate Joint Committee in delivering the Economic delivery plan. 


Scrutiny queried the purpose of the Corporate Joint Committee in the involvement in bidding for funding. Following discussions members were concerned that the majority of funding applications were being processed through individual authorities and not the Corporate Joint Committee as a whole.


Following scrutiny, the report was noted.