Issue - meetings

Draft Corporate Plan 2023-2028

Meeting: 23/02/2023 - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee (Item 5)

5 Draft Corporate Plan 2023-2028 pdf icon PDF 333 KB

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Members were updated verbally and received a PowerPoint presentation on the operational progress relating to the development of the Draft Corporate Plan. This was also an opportunity for members of scrutiny to feed in to the 6-week consultation exercise, as detailed within the circulated report.


The Chair commended officers on the progress made in terms of publishing the Draft Corporate Plan for public consultation. It is understood that South West Wales will be the first Corporate Joint Committee in Wales to produce a Corporate Plan.


Members commented that within future reports that the inclusion of any relevant documents such as policy’s or strategy’s be included as appendices and not detailed as links within the report.


Discussions took place around the potential response rate in relation to the ongoing consultation process. Officers explained that the response rate to date could be considered as modest in numerical terms, however the detail of the responses received was proving to be interesting and useful.


Reference was made to the programme of publicity and the approach undertaken to raise awareness of the consultation. Members felt that future consultations needed a widened approach and more communications around the consultation to ensure a greater response rate is secured.


Members discussed the budget restrictions. It was noted that the Corporate Plan needs to be both aspirational and deliverable. The chosen wellbeing objectives have been aligned to the powers and duties that Corporate Joint Committee have. Members will have an opportunity to review the progress being made on delivering the well-being objectives on an annual basis.


It was noted that the appendices of the Draft Corporate Plan details aspirational dates which can prove difficult when measuring the progress. It was noted that benchmarks would need to be included to enable scrutiny to undertake its functions when scrutinising these performances.


Members noted the report and welcomed the fact that they will receive Annual Reports on the progress being made to deliver the Corporate Plan’s well-being objectives.


It was noted that the responses from today’s meeting would be recorded and included within the consultation responses. Along with a letter from the Chair of the Corporate Joint Committee-Overview and Scrutiny Sub Committee to the Chair of the Corporate Joint Committee.


Following scrutiny, the report was noted.