Issue - meetings

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee (Cabinet Finance Sub Committee reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)

Meeting: 07/03/2023 - Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Scrutiny Sub Committee (Item 5)

Pre-decision Scrutiny

·        To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Sub agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)


Third Sector Grant Funding – Additional applications for funding


Members were updated on the additional applications for a third sector grant which was received after the official closing date, as detailed within the private report.


Members shared their concerns for the lateness of the additional applications. It was noted that a criteria and deadline for applications are set and going forward would like to stress to those organisations the importance of making an application within the deadline.


Following scrutiny, the recommendations were supported to Cabinet Board.


Miscellaneous Grant Fund Application


To seek Member approval in relation to a grant application received, as detailed within the circulated report.


It was noted that that the application was reported to the Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Sub Committee on the 24th January 2023, however, the incorrect ward and premises was reported. This is correctly reported now as Pontardawe ward and the premises referred to is Cross Community Centre High Street Pontardawe.


Members shared their concerns in relation to the wrong premises being reported, however, understood that it was an error and Officers reassured members that a process would be in place to ensure reports are reported correctly.


It was noted that 209 accounts had received mandatory and discretionary rates. Members requested a list of the 209 accounts. Officers confirmed that a list would be shared with members, however wanted to provide reassurance that all applications go through a vigorous criteria process.


Following scrutiny, the recommendations were supported to Cabinet Board.


Neath Port Talbot Cyber Security Strategy Update 2023


Members were provided with an update on the Neath Port Talbot

Council’s Cyber Security Strategy, as detailed within the circulated report.


Officers provided a PowerPoint presentation.


Discussions took place around the mandatory training that all staff are required to undertake to ensure that all staff have knowledge around GDPR and security safety training to help prevent any cyber security issues. It was noted that managers are informed of those who have completed any relevant training and are informed of those that have not completed it.


Members queried the restraints around downloading apps on their iPads. Officers explained that restrictions are in place to help with security safety and to prevent any potential rogue downloads. It was noted that if there were any work related apps that members required they would need to speak with Democratic Services and IT departments.


Members requested that the action plan contain deadline dates to allow scrutiny to undertake its role in scrutinising the plan in future.

It was noted that the published action plan was not inclusive of the full action plan due to the sensitive content. However, it was noted that a deadline date would be included against each action listed.


Following scrutiny, the report was noted.