Issue - meetings

Extinguishment Orders for part of footpath No 38. Cillybebyll

Meeting: 02/12/2022 - Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board (Item 12)

12 Extinguishment Orders for Part of Footpath No.38 - Cillybebyll pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:




Having due regard to the integrated impact screening assessment, an Extinguishment Order is made pursuant to Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980 in respect of the route shown C-C1- D shown on the attached plan in the circulated report, and if no objections are received to the order then this order be confirmed the same as unopposed.


Reason for Decision:


·        There is a need to resolve the issue of this length of path which crosses over two gardens.

·        The housing development has resulted in the loss of the original field path, but that access across the site from Neath Road to public footpath no.39 can still be obtained mainly via the estate roads.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period, which ended at 9am, Tuesday 6 December 2022.