8 Street Naming and Numbering Policy and Fees PDF 236 KB
Additional documents:
That the Street Naming and Numbering Policy document as set out in Appendix A
of the circulated report be approved
That the changes to the fees charged for services delivered by the Street
Naming & Numbering function as set out in Appendix B of the circulated
report be approved
That delegated powers be granted to the Director of Environment and
Regeneration, and the Head of Engineering and Transport, for the naming of new
streets and renaming of existing streets in the County Borough
Reason for Decisions:
The increase in fees will reflect the current costs of delivering this service.
The ambiguity that currently exists within the street naming and numbering
service will be resolved and service users will be aware of their obligations
to provide information and to register properties. The Welsh Language and
historic names/places will be protected as set out within the report.
To enable the effective management of Street Naming and Renaming function
within the Authority. Before a street can be named or renamed the process
requires consultation with homeowners and businesses effected by the changes in
addition to local Ward Members, so key stakeholders have to agree the change
before it happens. Any disagreements with Ward Members or local
businesses/homeowners would still be brought to Cabinet Board for decision.
Implementation of Decisions:
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period, which ended at
9am, Sunday 9 October 2022.