Pre-decision Scrutiny
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (Cabinet Finance Sub - Committee reports
enclosed for Scrutiny Members)
The Committee
scrutinised the following Cabinet items:
2021/2022 Risk Register
Members were provided
with an update on the Council’s Strategic Risks.
The circulated report stated
that there was currently a significant number of pressure points across the
Council where there was an insufficient supply of workforce to meet Service
Demands; Members queried what steps were being taken to reduce the pressure
points. Officers explained that there was an All Member Seminar scheduled for
18 November 2021 in which Members would be briefed on the current Service
Demands and the plans going forward.
Members made reference
to the investment to support high risk victims of domestic abuse via the
VAWDASV (Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence) Leadership
Group, and asked for further information on how this would be implemented. The
Director of Social Services, Health and Housing agreed to circulate information
regarding this matter to Members in due course.
One of the treatments
associated with the financial resilience risk was to intensify citizen
engagement with the budget challenges, securing citizen commitment to
behaviours that will reduce or remove demand on Council services; it was asked
how this was going to be achieved. It was noted that in terms of citizen
engagement, the Council had recently concluded the ‘Let’s Talk’ campaign which
asked residents to identify what was important to them following the outbreak
of the pandemic; there were over 1,700 respondents, 500 of which had stated
they wished to be contacted in the next phase of the consultation exercise. The
Council also had a Citizen’s Panel which had around 500 members, and a
Community of Practice; both groups will be contacted for future engagement. It
was highlighted that the budget consultation and the service recovery
consultation will both be promoted as much as possible; this will be done in
many ways such as online, in libraries and through the Local Area Coordinators
(LACs). Officers added that over the winter period, the Council will be running
a three month campaign in order to engage with the public and ensure they were
aware of how the Council impacts on their lives and, were aware of the work the
Council had undertaken during the pandemic.
Officers confirmed that
the following listed treatment associated with the financial resilience risks
was related to Elected Members and all of the Councils stakeholders; to improve
the quality of evidence adduced to exemplify the financial resilience
challenges of the Council and ensure this was understood by those involved in
the decisions on local government budgets.
The Committee raised
concerns with the readability of the Strategic Risk Register and provided
suggestions which would allow Members to interpret the document and gain a
better understanding of the overall picture, which would therefore enable them
to monitor it more effectively. Officers stated that in future they would
include explanatory words into the report and provide as much clarity as
possible based on the feedback provided by Members.
The circulated report highlighted the management of Landslips and Quarries on Council ... view the full minutes text for item 1