Decision details

Ash Dieback

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


1.           That the Environment Directorate develop an action plan including tree surveys to identify tree distribution, affected trees and the degree of infection.


2.           That the Environment Directorate fell and dispose of trees as required based on the findings of the surveys and associated risk assessment.


3.           That the council raise awareness of Ash Dieback disease via social media and other channels, and encourage members of the public to report trees which appear to be in poor health.


4.           That the Environment Directorate liaise with private landowners who have trees near public highways, public footpaths and council property.


5.           That the Environment Directorate pursue funding and carry out replacement tree planting to reduce the impact on biodiversity and local landscapes with suitable species such as Oak, Birch, Alder and Sycamore.

Publication date: 20/09/2019

Date of decision: 20/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2019 - Streetscene and Engineering Cabinet Board

Accompanying Documents: