Decision details

Hillside Education Contract

Decision Maker: Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes




1.   That Rule 2 of the Contract Procedure Rules continue to be excluded and that the Council be authorised to extend and amend the Collaboration Agreement in respect of educational services at Hillside with the School upon the terms set out in the circulated report;


2.   That the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, the Council’s Head of Participation and the Hillside Centre Manager, continue to be designated to be the Representatives of this Council for the purposes of the Collaboration Agreement.  To carry out on behalf of the Council all the delegated powers of such a representative, and further delegates to the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, the Council’s Head of Participation and the Hillside Centre Manager the power to appoint an alternate or deputy for the purposes of the Collaboration Agreement;


3.   That the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing be granted delegated authority in consultation with the Head of Legal Services to negotiate and settle the Deed of Variation and thereafter authorise the Head of Legal Services to enter into the said Agreement and any associated documentation.


Reason for the Decisions:


The variation of the Collaboration Agreement between the Council and the School will further enhance the provision.  It will continue to allow for improved management and oversight, to further enhance professional development opportunities for all Hillside Education staff.  A Collaboration Agreement will ensure that suitable arrangements are in place for the next seven years.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.


Publication date: 06/09/2019

Date of decision: 05/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 05/09/2019 - Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Board

Effective from: 11/09/2019

Accompanying Documents: