Decision details

New Fixed Penalty Notice in respect of Fly Tipping

Decision Maker: Streetscene and Engineering Cabinet Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes



That the adoption of the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for The Householders Duty of Care Regulations (Wales) 2019 in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 34ZB, be approved.


That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Environment and the Head of Streetcare to issue Fixed Penalty Notices under the new legislation, and to appoint named competent Waste

Enforcement Officers to issue such Fixed Penalty Notices on

their behalf.


That approval be granted for an early payment incentive of £150 (reduced from £300) be offered if payment is settled within ten days of the Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.




Publication date: 05/04/2019

Date of decision: 05/04/2019

Decided at meeting: 05/04/2019 - Streetscene and Engineering Cabinet Board

Effective from: 12/04/2019

Accompanying Documents: