Decision details

Miscellaneous Grant Applications

Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Cabinet Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the following Miscellaneous Grant Applications be approved:


1.    Citizens Advice Bureau – Grant to fully cover rent to 30 November 2015. Occupancy & Grant subject to review, in accordance with approved criteria.


2.    NPT Credit Union - Provide grant to fully cover rent in line with rent licence agreement. Occupancy & Grant subject to review.


3.    Friends of Seven Sisters - Provide grant to fully cover rent for initial 5 year period the subject to review, in accordance with approved criteria.


4.    Seven Sisters RFC & Seven Sisters AFC - Provide grant to fully cover rent for initial 5 year period, subject to review, in accordance with approved criteria.


5.    Trustees of Giants Grave & Briton Ferry Boys Club - Provide grant to fully cover rent for initial 5 year period the subject to review, in accordance with approved criteria.


That the following Miscellaneous Grant Application be refused:


1.    Bibles for Children – Bath  - Not in accordance with approved criteria.


Publication date: 27/11/2014

Date of decision: 27/11/2014

Decided at meeting: 27/11/2014 - Policy and Resources Cabinet Board

Accompanying Documents: