Manylion y penderfyniad

Hackney Carriage ("Taxi") Fare Increase

Statws: Recommendations Approved

Is KeyPenderfyniad?: Na

yn amodol ar gael ei alw i mewn?: Na




That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Screening Assessment, the increase to the hackney carriage fare, as set out at Appendix 1 to the circulated report, be approved, however, should an objection be received following public advert, a report be brought back to Cabinet for a determination to be made.


Reason for Decision:


To determine a hackney carriage fare increase.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.




A consultation exercise was carried out with all existing proprietors and drivers. The consultation exercise resulted in 42 responses which are summarised within the circulated report.

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: 27/06/2024

Dyddiad y penderfyniad: 29/05/2024

Penderfynwyd yn y Cyfarfod: 29/05/2024 - Y Cabinet

Dogfennau Cefnogol: