Decision details

Award of Contract for Managed Service for the Provision of Agency Workers

Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Cabinet Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That approval be granted to utilise the direct award provision in the National Procurement Service (NPS) Framework to enter into contract with Comensura Ltd, to re-appoint Comensura as the Managed Service Provider for the supply of Agency Staff for the period 1 January to 7 October 2018, with the option to extend the arrangements for up to a further 12 months.

Publication date: 20/09/2017

Date of decision: 20/09/2017

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2017 - Policy and Resources Cabinet Board

Effective from: 19/09/2017

Accompanying Documents: